UP BATCH '94 - UPDAA Scientific Seminar: "Achieving Good Vibes in Dental Practice"

The UP College of Dentistry Batch '94 invites all dentists to attend a seminar on October 21, Sunday at the Lung Center, Quezon City. This is a project of UPCD Batch '94 in cooperation with the UP Dental Alumni Association.

For pre-registration:  Please deposit to BPI 0939-340718 under Karen Lourdes P. Miranda and/or Aileen Trinidad R. Santos. For BDO it is 4658012192 under Marybeth Alma Gabriel AND Gregorio Doronila.

Pls write your name and PRC # on the deposit slip. Kindly send a photo of your deposit slip via Viber or PM to: Karen Piamonte Miranda (0995-1442247) Aileen Santos (0917-8230914) or Rachel Santos (0917-9643395).

Thank you!