The Philippine Society of Periodontology in cooperation with the Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology

will hold their Annual Conference entitled: 

Op (Ti)mal Periodontal Clinical
Practice: Looking Back and Moving
Forward with the Global Experts

On September 2 & 3, 2018 at the
New World Hotel, Makati City. 

Pre Reg on or before Aug. 20, 2018
 PSP Members:    Php. 6000.00 Students , hygienists and Faculty members          6000.00 Non-member dentists          7500.00 After August 20, registration is 8,500.00 for all except hygienists and undergrad students
Deposit your payments through:
The Philippine Society of Periodontology, Inc.Metrobank Annapolis GreenhillsSA# 154-3-154518879
Take a photo of your deposit slip together with your PRC ID and send to email ad: early and Take advantage of our lower rates☺For inquiries, call, text or Viber 09171224967 Look for Dr. Lisa Jaurigue

Announcement from the PSP:

His topic on the upcoming PSP Annual Conference in collaboration with the Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology on September 2 and 3 at the New World Hotel is "PRECISION OR PERSONALISED PERIODONTAL CARE- PERIODONTICS THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS”

Professor Greg Seymour is currently an Emeritus Professor at The University of Queensland and an Honorary Professor at Griffith University in Australia. He was Professor of Oral Biology as well as Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and Head of the School of Dentistry at the University of Queensland from 1993 to 2004 and Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and Professor of Periodontology at the University of Otago, New Zealand from 2005 to 2014.

He was educated at the University of Sydney obtaining a BDS (hons) degree in 1971 and an MDSc in the clinical specialty of Periodontics in 1974. He obtained his PhD in Immunology from the University of London in 1978.

Professor Seymour is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in the UK, a Fellow of the Faculty of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in the special stream of Periodontics. He has an international reputation in the areas of Periodontology and Oral Immunology and has authored or co-authored over 370 papers and book chapters. He has been cited over 18,000 times in the scientific literature.

In 2003 he was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the British Society for Periodontology and in 2004 Honorary Life Membership of the Australian Dental Association Queensland Branch. Also in 2004 he became a member of the Order of Australia (AM). He has been the recipient of numerous research prizes including: The Sir Wilfred Fish International Research Prize of the British Society for Periodontology, the R.G. Williams Prize of the Australian Society of Periodontology for Excellence in Periodontal Research, the Alan Docking Award of the Australian and New Zealand Division of the International Association for Dental Research, the Fairfax Reading Prize of the University of Sydney for an outstanding contribution to Dental Science and a Distinguished Scientist Award of the IADR in 1997. In 2008 he was elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand, becoming only the second dentist so honored, and in 2017 he was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Japanese Society for Periodontology in recognition of his contribution to Periodontology worldwide.

Professor Seymour has lectured extensively in Australia and New Zealand as well as internationally and has been an invited keynote lecturer and visiting Professor at conferences and Universities in Europe, Asia, the USA and South America.


Precision or Personalised Periodontal Care - Periodontics through the looking glass

Gregory J Seymour

Over the past 50 years a greater understanding of both the aetiology and the immune mechanisms underlying chronic periodontal disease has emerged. However, most clinicians would argue that these advances have had little impact on treatment planning and treatment modalities. Although plaque control has remained the backbone of periodontal treatment, a variety of surgical techniques have evolved independently of underlying disease pathogenesis. Nevertheless, as clinical practice in the 21st century shifts towards “Precision or Personalised Care” assessment of the individual host response to a dysbiosis in the oral microbiome will become fundamental and it will be important to have an in depth understanding of the mechanisms controlling disease progression and how these impact on personalised treatment approaches. Equally, it is recognised that an understanding of the risk factors for chronic periodontitis is essential for successful periodontal treatment and in avoiding implant failure. In this context, the recent classification of periodontal disease has included a staging and grading of disease to reflect not only the individual response to plaque, in terms of extent and severity, but also to reflect the impact of environmental and systemic factors. It is now generally believed that unravelling the complexities of the interaction between bacterial, genetic and environmental (epigenetic) factors will lead to enhanced individual risk profiling and more targeted treatment in the future. At the same time the relationship between periodontal infection and systemic diseases is also generally accepted with significant implications for general dentists. This presentation will ‘look’ at how this increased understanding of disease mechanisms will impact on ‘Precision’ or ‘Personalised’ treatment approaches now and in the future."

Come join us and meet him and listen to his very interesting topic on regeneration.

We have 9 international speakers for you.

Pre Reg on or before Aug. 20, 2018
 PSP Members:    Php. 6000.00
 Students , hygienists and Faculty members          6000.00
 Non-member dentists          7500.00
 After August 20, registration is 8,500.00 for all except hygienists and undergrad students

Deposit your payments through:

The Philippine Society of Periodontology, Inc.
Metrobank Annapolis Greenhills
SA# 154-3-154518879

Take a photo of your deposit slip together with your PRC ID
 and send to email ad:
Register early and Take advantage of our lower rates☺
For inquiries, call, text or Viber 09171224967 Look for Dr. Lisa Jaurigue