OPAP FB Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/512557855857169/?ti=cl
Dr. Tan Hee Hon: Prosthodontics/
"Orofacial Pain in Prosthodontist'
Dr. Cristina Laureta: Orthodontics UP College of Dentistry
"Usual Suspects Extraction in TMD"
Dr. Josievitz Zafra: Orthodontics UP College of Dentistry
"Ortho Tx Causes or Cures TMD: What do scientific evidence tell us?"
Dr. Ricardo Boncan: TMD/Orofacial Pain UP College of Dentistry
"Pain Control in TMD: Why you can not always get what you want."
1) OPAP/TOPP: 1,800 (RATE STRICTLY UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15 ONLY. Standard rates apply after)2) Regular Rate
Pre Reg: 2,000 (until October 31)
Onsite: 2,500
Bank Details: Metrobank Eisenhower
Account name: Orofacial Pain Association Inc.
Account number: 614-7-61403361-
*NOTE Very Important
Send a photo of your deposit slip WITH YOUR:
2) PRC Number
3) Email Address
to opap2010@rocket
For inquiries contact:
0998 9593 889