APDC Pre-Congress FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/apdc.precongress.9

The ASIA PACIFIC DENTAL CONGRESS (APDC) and the PHILIPPINE DENTAL ASSOCIATION (PDA) have joined forces to gather high-caliber powerful lecturers all over the globe for the upcoming annual PHILIPPINE DENTAL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION.
To start off, the PRECONGRESS scheduled on May 6, 2018 will bring you a renowned PROFESSOR and CONSULTANT from the RILEY HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN in Indiana, PROFESSOR JUAN F. YEPES.

Do not miss to learn (and earn points!) from his lectures on OROFACIAL PAIN AND TMD, and RADIATION SAFETY!
So contact your respective chapter presidents NOW and preregister to avail of DISCOUNTED fees!

So much to learn in the upcoming May 6, 2018 PRE-CONGRESS of the APDC-PDA Convention!
Lecture 1: Radiation Safety for Children and Adolescents
This seminar will provide to the attendee the most update information about the SAFE use of radiation in the dental office. The lecture will review the basic concepts of radiation biology and dosimetry and the application in the practice of dentistry. The lecture will cover the full spectrum of radiation safety for the general dentist and specialist. A detailed discussion of the use of CBCT in dentistry will be included. common radiographic lesions that are presented in infants, children and adolescents.
1. Understand the importance of a “safe” radiation dental office
2. Learn the most critical aspects of protecting the patient and the dental staff to the effects of radiation
3. Learn the indications of CBCT within the frame of practicing dentistry