www.pinoydental.com view MyDentSpace members
- a directory of dentists and dental practices,
- forum/message board section,
- classified ads,
- a community builder section called “MyDentSpace”, and a
- subdomain exclusive to dental professionals and students called the “Dentista Portal”.
Why Join The MyDentSpace Community and Forum?
The MyDentSpace community is a special feature of Pinoydental that allows members to build their own network of connections similar (but simpler) to the very popular sites such as Facebook, Friendster, My Space or Multiply. Membership in this community is open to the general public and is not exclusive to dentists or dental professionals.
Members are provided their own webpage section or profile page where they can post their photos, contact info, information about their work, educational background, dental practice or business. They are also provided access to the Pinoydental Forum or discussion board and the Classified ads section.
The goal of Pinoydental My DentSpace is to create a network portal where Dental professionals, students and even patients can interact with one another . This section contains special options such as:
- Providing interconnectivity and linking between individual MyDentSpace Member Webpages.
- Being able to let members create subgroups for their community connections and sort them according to friends, colleagues, patients, family, classmates, schoolmates, clients, etc…
- Being able to let members create subgroups for their community connections and sort them according to friends, colleagues, patients, family, classmates, schoolmates, clients, etc…
- A quick messaging service which is an email-like communications system between members. Complete with a personal inbox, outbox, draft section, etc…
- Each user may be allowed to post “BLOGS” or opinions and informal articles (dental-related or otherwise) in the forum section as well as in their individual MyDentSpace WebPages.
- These BLOGS may be read by other members or even the public if the writer chooses so.
- BLOGS may be a very useful tool in disseminating useful information about dentistry, dental health or anything relevant to the dental profession.
- Such a medium may provide an avenue for exchange of ideas and opinions that can also serve as a continuing education tool or a forum for study groups for any of the disciplines in Dentistry and Health.
- BLOGS may also be used to introduce the latest dental care products, materials and equipment for consumer review and and also for advertising purposes.
- The author may open these BLOGS to allow comments in order to encourage healthy discussions about the topics or presentations posted.
- A member may also post weblinks, news, journal abstracts and articles or any information resource that he/she may find relevant to dental health and to the profession.
- All the information that will be posted in these sections of Pinoydental will be monitored by moderators in order to prevent any form of abuse. Strict rules are implemented for MyDentSpace members to follow.
- Each MyDentSpace member page is searchable thru an advanced search module of Pinoydental.
- This may therefore serve as another directory service secondary to the FREE Electronic Dentist directory service provided by Pinoydental.
- Patients may be able to interact with dentists; dentists with product traders; students with Dental educators; etc… through the quick messaging service or thru the dental forum.
- Dentists may be able to entertain inquiries from patient members (here and abroad). This system may therefore provide support for the concept and practice of “Dental Tourism” or “Borderless Practice of Dentistry” for dentist members of MyDentSpace.
- The best thing about the MyDentSpace membership and all the features that go with it is that they’re all FREE of CHARGE. There’s nothing to lose if you join! Help build the Pinoydental MyDentSpace Community by registering now!
- Join us now !